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AA.VV. New Catholic Encyclopedia (2nd edition, 15 volumi)
AGAMBEN GIORGIO Homo sacer. Ediz. integrale
AI AMY L., WINK PAUL et al. (edd) Assessing Spirituality in a Diverse World
AIKIN SCOTT F., TALISSE ROBERT B. Pragmatism, Pluralism, and the Nature of Philosophy
GRIGORYAN SONA Neither Belief nor Unbelief. Intentional Ambivalence in al-Maʿarrī’s Luzūm
ARGYLE RAY Inventing Secularism. The Radical Life of George Jacob Holyoake
ARIELY DAN Prevedibilmente irrazionale
AZINFAR FATEMAH CHEHREGOSHA Atheism in the Medieval Islamic and European World. The Influence of Persian and Arabic Ideas of Doubt and Skepticism on Medieval European Literary Thought
BARB AMANDINE Entre Dieu et César. Histoire politique des accommodements religieux aux États-Unis
BARRETT DAVID B., KURIAN GEORGE THOMAS, JOHNSON TODD M. World Christian Encyclopedia. A Comparative Survey of Churches and Religions Ad 30-Ad 2200
BEAMAN LORI G„ STACEY TIMOTHY (edd) Nonreligious Imaginaries of World Repairing. The Study of an Emergent Majority
BEARD MARY, NORTH JOHN Pagan Priests. Religion and Power in the Ancient World
BECKER ERNEST Il rifiuto della morte
BECKFORD JAMES A., DEMERATH N. JAY (edd) The Sage Handbook of the Sociology of Religion
BEISER FREDERICK C. David Friedrich Strauss, Father of Unbelief. An Intellectual Biography
BELLINI PIERO Il diritto d’essere se stessi. Discorrendo dell’idea di laicità
BHATTACHARYA RAMKRISHNA More Studies on the Carvaka/Lokayata
BINDER STEFAN Total Atheism. Secular Activism and the Politics of Difference in South India
BORDEAUX PASCAL ET AL. (edd) Asia and the Secular. Francophone Perspectives in a Global Age
BOYER PASCAL The Fracture of an Illusion. Science and the Dissolution of Religion
BROWN CALLUM G. Religion and the Demographic Revolution. Women and Secularisation in Canada, Ireland, UK and USA since the 1960s
BROWN CALLUM G., SNAPE MICHAEL (edd) Secularisation in the Christian World
BRUCE STEVE Choice and Religion. A critique of rational choice theory
BUBIK TOMAS, REMMEL ATKO, VACLAVIK DAVID (edd) Freethought and Atheism in Central and Eastern Europe: The Development of Secularity and Non-Religion
CAMPBELL JOSEPH JOHN Le maschere di Dio (4 volumi)
CANESTRARI STEFANO, FERRANDO GILDA, MAZZONI COSIMO MARCO, RODOTASTEFANO, ZATTI PAOLO (edd) Trattato di biodiritto. Il governo del corpo (due tomi)
CARLING ALAN (ed) The Social Equality of Religion or Belief
CHATTERJI ANGANA P., BLOM HANSEN THOMAS, JAFFRELOT CHRISTOPHE (edd) Majoritarian State. How Hindu Nationalism is Changing India
CHATTOPADHYAYA DEBIPRASAD (ed) Carvaka / Lokayata: An Anthology of Source Materials and Some Recent Studies
CIANITTO CRISTINA Quando la parola ferisce. Blasfemia e incitamento all’odio religioso nella società contemporanea
COMITATO MILANESE DI SOLIDARIETACON I COLLETTIVI OPERAI DI AFRICO E ZONA JONICA La lupara e l’aspersorio. Sulle lotte autonome del proletariato di Africo
CONN RICHARD JR. A. The Earthbound Parent. How (and Why) to Raise Your Little Angels Without Religion
CONSORTI PIERLUIGI La remunerazione del clero. Dal sistema beneficiali agli istituti per il sostentamento
CORBEIL PATRICK J. Empire and Progress in the Victorian Secularist Movement. Imagining a Secular World
CUSACK CAROLE M. Invented Religions. Imagination, Fiction and Faith
DAJI LU, XUEZENG GONG (edd) Marxism and Religion
DAVIE GRACE, LEUSTEAN LUCIAN N. (edd) The Oxford Handbook of Religion and Europe
DAY ABBY Why Baby Boomers Turned from Religion. Shaping Belief and Belonging, 1945-2021
DE VINCENTIIS ARMANDO Sono morto! Anzi, no! Cosa accade ai confini della morte?
DERENNE EUDORE Les procès d’impiété intentés aux philosophes à Athènes au Ve et au IVe siècle avant J. C
DEVELLENNES CHARLES Positive Atheism. Bayle, Meslier, D’Holbach, Diderot
DI NOLA ALFONSO M. (ed) Enciclopedia delle religioni Vallecchi volume 5 (Pseudo-Dionigi - Tupi-Guaranì)
DIDEROT DENIS Lettera sui ciechi per l’utilità dei vedenti. Ediz. italiana e francese
DOBBELAERE KAREL Secularization. A Multi Dimensional Concept
DOE NORMAN Law and Religion in Europe. A Comparative Introduction
DOE NORMAN, PUZA RICHARD (ed) Religion and Law in Dialogue. Convenantal and Non-convenantal Cooperation between State and Religion in Europe
DOE NORMAN, SANDBERG RUSSELL (edd) Law and Religion. New Horizons
DOOMEN JASPER, VAN SCHAIK MIRJAM (edd) Religious Ideas in Liberal Democratic States
DORIVAL GILLES, PRALON DIDIER (edd) Nier les dieux nier dieu. Textes et documents de la méditerranée antique et mediévale
DWORKIN RONALD Il dominio della vita. Aborto, eutanasia, e libertà individuale
DYKEMA P.A., OBERMAN H.A. (edd) Anticlericalism in Late Medieval and Early Modern Europe
EL MABROUK NADIA Notre laïcité
EVSTATIEV SIMEON, EICKELMAN DALE F. (edd) Islam, Christianity, and Secularism in Bulgaria and Eastern Europe. The Last Half Century
FILORAMO GIOVANNI Religione e modernità. Il caso del fondamentalismo
FINCK FRANCOIS Les croisés de la contre-révolution
FLAMIGNI CARLO Il diritto di pensare. Storia della disputa sulle donne. Vol. 1. Le molte facce della violenza
FLAMIGNI CARLO Il diritto di pensare. Storia della disputa sulle donne. Vol. 2. I roghi
FLAMIGNI CARLO Il diritto di pensare. Storia della disputa sulle donne. Vol. 3. Il ruolo e il prestigio delle donne nelle diverse culture
FLAMIGNI CARLO Il diritto di pensare. Storia della disputa sulle donne. Vol. 4. La letteratura misogina e l’inizio della Querelle des femmes
FLAMIGNI CARLO Il diritto di pensare. Storia della disputa sulle donne. Vol. 5. L’esplosione della polemica
FLAMIGNI CARLO Il diritto di pensare. Storia della disputa sulle donne. Vol. 6. Sesso e prostituzione
FLAMIGNI CARLO Il diritto di pensare. Storia della disputa sulle donne. Vol. 7. La questione dell’alfabeto
FLAMIGNI CARLO Il diritto di pensare. Storia della disputa sulle donne. Vol. 8. Le capacità cognitive delle donne
FLETCHER RONALD Ten non commandments. A humanist’s decalogue
FORBERG KARL FRIEDRICH Entwickelung des Begriffs der Religion
FORD JAMES C. Atheism at the Agora. A History of Unbelief in Ancient Greek Polytheism
FORNI LORENZA La laicità nel pensiero dei giuristi italiani. Tra tradizione e innovazione
FROLA PIER EUGENIO Decime feudali ecclesiastiche nel canavese
GEARY PATRICK J. Furta sacra. La trafugazione delle reliquie nel Medioevo (secoli IX-XI)
GILSON ETIENNE L’ateismo difficile
GLOHUVIC MILLJA, MENON JISHA (edd) Performing the Secular. Religion, Representation, and Politics
GOOREN HENRI Religious Conversion and Disaffiliation. Tracing Patterns of Change in Faith Practices
GORA Positive Atheism
GORDON DAVID J. Literary Atheism
GORDON-MCKEON SHAUNA Super Princess Saves the Night
GOUTEUX JEAN-PAUL Apologie du blasphème. En danger de croire
GUHIN JEFFREY Agents of God. Boundaries and Authority in Muslim and Christian Schools
HALLAQ WAEL B. Shari’a. Theory, practice, transformations
HALSEMA ANNEMIE, VAN HOUTEN DOUWE (edd) Empowering Humanity. State of the Art in Humanistics
HARRISON PETER (ed) Narratives of Secularization
HASHAMOVA YANA, DRAGOSTINOVA THEODORA (edd) Beyond Mosque, Church, and State. Alternative Narratives of the Nation in the Balkans
HATZIS NICHOLAS Offensive Speech, Religion, and the Limits of the Law
HIORTH FINNGEIR Atheism in India
HIORTH FINNGEIR Atheism In The World
HIORTH FINNGEIR Ethics for Atheists
HIORTH FINNGEIR Secularism in Sweden
HIORTH FINNGEIR Studying Religion
HOBSON SUZANNE Unbelief in Interwar Literary Culture
HUSKEN UTE (ed) When Rituals Go Wrong. Mistakes, Failure, and the Dynamics of Ritual
INVERNIZZI ACCETTI CARLO What is Christian Democracy? Politics, Religion and Ideology
IRICINSCHI EDUARD, ZELLENTIN HOLGER M. (edd) Heresy and Identity in Late Antiquity
JAYNE EDWARD An Archaeology of Disbelief. The Origin of Secular Philosophy
JOHNSON ANDY J. (ed) Religion and Men’s Violence Against Women
KAHLOS MAIJASTINA Religious Dissent in Late Antiquity, 350-450
KAPPARIS KOSTANTINOS Abortion in the Ancient World
KELLY MOCHEL One World, Many Beliefs. A Family Book for Nonbelievers & Their Children
KLUG PETRA Anti-Atheist Nation. Religion and Secularism in the United States
KOSUCH CAROLIN (ed) Freethinkers in Europe. National and Transnational Secularities 1789-1920s
KRESSEL NEIL J. Bad Faith. The Danger of Religious Extremism
LANATA GIULIANA Gli atti dei martiri come documento processuale
LARA MARIA PIA The Disclosure of Politics. Struggles Over the Semantics of Secularization
LASKI MARGHANITA The Secular Responsibility
LAURENCE JONATHAN (ed) Secularism in Comparative Perspective. Religions Across Political Contexts
LAUWERS MICHEL, ZEMOUR AURELIE Qu’est-ce qu’une sépulture? Humanités et systèmes funéraires de la préhistoire à nos jours
LERNER NATAN (ed) Religion, Secular Beliefs and Human Rights
LIOR YAIR (ed) The Routledge Handbook of Evolutionary Approaches to Religion
LUSSU M. LUISA Bayle, Holbach e il dibattito sull’ateo virtuoso
MANCINI SUSANNA (ed) Constitutions and Religion
MANEA ELHAM The Perils of Nonviolent Islamism
MANEA ELHAM Women and Shari’a Law. The Impact of Legal Pluralism in the UK
MARTIN MICHAEL, AUGUSTINE KEITH The Myth of an Afterlife. The Case against Life After Death
MARTY MARTIN E., APPLEBY R. SCOTT (edd) Accounting for Fundamentalisms. The Dynamic Character of Movements
MATES LEWIS H., DAVIES DOUGLAS J. (edd) Encyclopedia of Cremation
MCCAFFREE KEVIN The Secular Landscape. The Decline of Religion in America
MEAGHER RICHARD J. Atheists in American Politics. Social Movement Organizing from the Nineteenth to the Twenty-First Centuries
MEDICUS FRITZ Fichte und Forberg. Die philosophischen Scriften zum Atheismus-streit
MENOZZI DANIELE La Chiesa cattolica e la secolarizzazione
MENUGE ANGUS J.L. Religious Liberty and the Law. Theistic and Non-Theistic Perspectives
MIRE SADA Divine Fertility. The Continuity in Transformation of an Ideology of Sacred Kinship in Northeast Africa
MOIZZI LETIZIA Eutanasia: l’ultimo tabù. Libertà di scegliere
NAGEL ERNEST Logic Without Metaphysics and Other Studies in the Philosophy of Science
ONYEMECHI PIUS ADIELE The Popes, the Catholic Church and the Transatlantic Enslavement of Black Africans 1418-1839
OPPY GRAHAM (ed) A Companion to Atheism and Philosophy
OZZANO LUCA The Masks of the Political God. Religion and Political Parties in Contemporary Democracies
PETERSON ERIK Il monoteismo come problema politico
PILASTRO ANDREA Sesso ed evoluzione. La straordinaria storia evolutiva della riproduzione sessuale
PINN ANTHONY B. (ed) Humanism and Technology. Opportunities and Challenges
PINN ANTHONY B. (ed) What is Humanism and Why Does it Matter?
POLIAKOV LEON Storia dell’antisemitismo. Vol. 4: L’Europa suicida (1870 - 1933)
POUS JACQUES La tentation totalitaire. Essai sur les totalitarismes de la transcendance
PRODI PAOLO Lo Sviluppo dell’assolutismo nello stato pontificio. (secoli XV-XVI). Dalle lezioni tenute nella Facoltà di Magistero dell’Università di Bologna, nell’anno accademico 1967-68. I, La Monarchia papale e gli organi centrali di governo
QUACK JOHANNES, SCHUH CORA (edd) Religious Indifference. New Perspectives from Studies on Secularization and Nonreligion
RAHNER KARL (ed) Pastoral Approach to Atheism
RAMET SABRINA P. Orthodox Churches and Politics in Southeastern Europe. Nationalism, Conservativism, and Intolerance
REEVES JAMES BRYANT Godless Fictions in the Eighteenth Century. A Literary History of Atheism
ROZITCHNER ALEJANDRO, IANANTUONI XIMENA Hijos sin dios. Cómo criar chicos ateos
RUPKE JORG Religion in Republican Rome. Rationalization and Ritual Change
RUSE MICHAEL, BULLIVANT STEPHEN The Cambridge History of Atheism
SANDERS M. ELIZABETH Genres of Doubt: Science Fiction, Fantasy and the Victorian Crisis of Faith
SCALABRINO MICHELANGELA (ed) International Code on Religious Freedom
SCARPELLI UBERTO L’etica senza verità
SCHACHT JOSEPH Introduzione al diritto musulmano
SCHEIDT HANNAH K. Practicing Atheism. Culture, Media, and Ritual in the Contemporary Atheist Network
SCHRODER WINFRIED Ursprünge des Atheismus. Untersuchungen zur Metaphysik- und Religionskritik des 17. und 18. Jahrhunderts
SCIASCIA LEONARDO Feste religiose in Sicilia. Fotografie di Fernando Scianna
SCOLNICOV ANAT The Right to Religious Freedom in International Law. Between Group Rights and Individual Rights
SESTO EMPIRICO Contro i matematici
SETTIMELI LEONCARLO, FALAVOLTI LAURA (edd) L’ammazzapreti. Canti satirici anticlericali (con lp)
SHAJARIZADEH SHAPARAK La liberté n’est pas un crime
SHEPPARD KENNETH Anti-Atheism in Early Modern England 1580-1720. The Atheist Answered and His Error Confuted
SHERMER MICHAEL Bugie. Indagine su pseudoscienze, superstizioni, notizie-spazzatura, falsi storici
SIDKY HOMAYUN Religion, Supernaturalism, the Paranormal and Pseudoscience. An Anthropological Critique
SIMON ED Pandemonium. A Visual History of Demonology
SIMON HIPPOLYTE Chiesa e politica
SKONOVD NORMAN Apostasy. The Process of Defection from Religious Totalism
SOKAL ALAN, BRICMONT JEAN Imposture intellettuali. Quale deve essere il rapporto tra filosofia e scienza?
SOZZI MARINA (ed) La scena degli addii. Morte e Riti funebri nella società occidentale contemporanea
SPITZEL GOTTLIEB Scrutinium atheismi historico-aetiologicum
STAUSBERG MICHAEL (ed) Contemporary Theories of Religion. A Critical Companion
STREIB HEINZ, SILVER CHRISTOPHER F., CSOFF ROSINA-MARTHA, KELLER BARBARA, HOOD RAPLH W. (edd) Deconversion. Qualitative and Quantitative Results from Cross-Cultural Research in Germany and the United States of America
SUGIRTHARAJAH SHARADA Religious and Non-Religious Perspectives on Happiness and Wellbeing
SZOCIK KONRAD, VAN EYGHEN HANS Revising Cognitive and Evolutionary Science of Religion. Religion As an Adaptation
TEDESCHI MARIO (ed) La libertà religiosa
TEMPERMAN JEROEN State–Religion Relationships and Human Rights Law. Towards a Right to Religiously Neutral Governance
TEMPERMAN JEROEN, GUNN T. JEREMY, EVANS MALCOLM D. (edd) The European Court of Human Rights and the Freedom of Religion or Belief. The 25 Years since Kokkinakis
TESSMANN GÜNTER Menschen ohne Gott. Ein Besuch bei den Indianern des Ucayali
TESTA BAPPENHEIM STEFANO I simboli religiosi nello spazio pubblico. Profili giuridici comparati
THIESSEN JOEL, WILKINS-LAFLAMME SARAH None of the Above. Nonreligious Identity in the US and Canada
THOMAS RENNY Science and Religion in India. Beyond Disenchantment
TOMLINS STEVEN, BULLIVANT SPENCER (edd) The Atheist Bus Campaign. Global Manifestations and Responses
TUMMOLO GIOVANNI In difesa del misticateismo
TUMMOLO GIOVANNI Misticateismo (religione realista dei tempi nuovi)
VALLIER KEVIN, WEBER MICHAEL (edd) Religious Exemptions
VAN PRAAG JAAP Grondslagen van humanisme
VEUGELERS WIEL (ed) Education and Humanism. Linking Autonomy and Humanity
VINTALORO GIORDANO Non sono il messia, lo giuro su Dio! Messianismo e modernità in Life of Brian dei Monty Python
VORPAHL JENNY, SCHUSTER DIRK (edd) Communicating Religion and Atheism in Central and Eastern Europe
WANG YOU SAN BIAN China Atheism History
WANG YOU SAN BIAN Selected Historical Materials of Chinese Atheism
WEINSTEIN KENNETH R. Atheism and Enlightenment in the Political Philosophy of Pierre Bayle
WROBEL SZYMON, SKONIECZNY KRZYSZTOF (edd) Atheism Revisited. Rethinking Modernity and Inventing New Modes of Life
XU XIAOYUE Storia dell’ateismo cinese (in cinese)
ZUCKERMAN PHIL Religion. Beyond Religion