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AA.VV. | New Catholic Encyclopedia (2nd edition, 15 volumi) |
AGAMBEN GIORGIO | Homo sacer. Ediz. integrale |
AI AMY L., WINK PAUL et al. (edd) | Assessing Spirituality in a Diverse World |
AIKIN SCOTT F., TALISSE ROBERT B. | Pragmatism, Pluralism, and the Nature of Philosophy |
GRIGORYAN SONA | Neither Belief nor Unbelief. Intentional Ambivalence in al-Maʿarrī’s Luzūm |
ARGYLE RAY | Inventing Secularism. The Radical Life of George Jacob Holyoake |
ARIELY DAN | Prevedibilmente irrazionale |
AZINFAR FATEMAH CHEHREGOSHA | Atheism in the Medieval Islamic and European World. The Influence of Persian and Arabic Ideas of Doubt and Skepticism on Medieval European Literary Thought |
BARB AMANDINE | Entre Dieu et César. Histoire politique des accommodements religieux aux États-Unis |
BARRETT DAVID B., KURIAN GEORGE THOMAS, JOHNSON TODD M. | World Christian Encyclopedia. A Comparative Survey of Churches and Religions Ad 30-Ad 2200 |
BEAMAN LORI G„ STACEY TIMOTHY (edd) | Nonreligious Imaginaries of World Repairing. The Study of an Emergent Majority |
BEARD MARY, NORTH JOHN | Pagan Priests. Religion and Power in the Ancient World |
BECKER ERNEST | Il rifiuto della morte |
BECKFORD JAMES A., DEMERATH N. JAY (edd) | The Sage Handbook of the Sociology of Religion |
BEISER FREDERICK C. | David Friedrich Strauss, Father of Unbelief. An Intellectual Biography |
BELLINI PIERO | Il diritto d’essere se stessi. Discorrendo dell’idea di laicità |
BHATTACHARYA RAMKRISHNA | More Studies on the Carvaka/Lokayata |
BINDER STEFAN | Total Atheism. Secular Activism and the Politics of Difference in South India |
BORDEAUX PASCAL ET AL. (edd) | Asia and the Secular. Francophone Perspectives in a Global Age |
BOYER PASCAL | The Fracture of an Illusion. Science and the Dissolution of Religion |
BROWN CALLUM G. | Religion and the Demographic Revolution. Women and Secularisation in Canada, Ireland, UK and USA since the 1960s |
BROWN CALLUM G., SNAPE MICHAEL (edd) | Secularisation in the Christian World |
BRUCE STEVE | Choice and Religion. A critique of rational choice theory |
BUBIK TOMAS, REMMEL ATKO, VACLAVIK DAVID (edd) | Freethought and Atheism in Central and Eastern Europe: The Development of Secularity and Non-Religion |
CAMPBELL JOSEPH JOHN | Le maschere di Dio (4 volumi) |
CANESTRARI STEFANO, FERRANDO GILDA, MAZZONI COSIMO MARCO, RODOTA’ STEFANO, ZATTI PAOLO (edd) | Trattato di biodiritto. Il governo del corpo (due tomi) |
CARLING ALAN (ed) | The Social Equality of Religion or Belief |
CHATTERJI ANGANA P., BLOM HANSEN THOMAS, JAFFRELOT CHRISTOPHE (edd) | Majoritarian State. How Hindu Nationalism is Changing India |
CHATTOPADHYAYA DEBIPRASAD (ed) | Carvaka / Lokayata: An Anthology of Source Materials and Some Recent Studies |
CIANITTO CRISTINA | Quando la parola ferisce. Blasfemia e incitamento all’odio religioso nella società contemporanea |
COMITATO MILANESE DI SOLIDARIETA’ CON I COLLETTIVI OPERAI DI AFRICO E ZONA JONICA | La lupara e l’aspersorio. Sulle lotte autonome del proletariato di Africo |
CONN RICHARD JR. A. | The Earthbound Parent. How (and Why) to Raise Your Little Angels Without Religion |
CONSORTI PIERLUIGI | La remunerazione del clero. Dal sistema beneficiali agli istituti per il sostentamento |
CORBEIL PATRICK J. | Empire and Progress in the Victorian Secularist Movement. Imagining a Secular World |
CUSACK CAROLE M. | Invented Religions. Imagination, Fiction and Faith |
DAJI LU, XUEZENG GONG (edd) | Marxism and Religion |
DAVIE GRACE, LEUSTEAN LUCIAN N. (edd) | The Oxford Handbook of Religion and Europe |
DAY ABBY | Why Baby Boomers Turned from Religion. Shaping Belief and Belonging, 1945-2021 |
DE VINCENTIIS ARMANDO | Sono morto! Anzi, no! Cosa accade ai confini della morte? |
DERENNE EUDORE | Les procès d’impiété intentés aux philosophes à Athènes au Ve et au IVe siècle avant J. C |
DEVELLENNES CHARLES | Positive Atheism. Bayle, Meslier, D’Holbach, Diderot |
DI NOLA ALFONSO M. (ed) | Enciclopedia delle religioni Vallecchi volume 5 (Pseudo-Dionigi - Tupi-Guaranì) |
DIDEROT DENIS | Lettera sui ciechi per l’utilità dei vedenti. Ediz. italiana e francese |
DOBBELAERE KAREL | Secularization. A Multi Dimensional Concept |
DOE NORMAN | Law and Religion in Europe. A Comparative Introduction |
DOE NORMAN, PUZA RICHARD (ed) | Religion and Law in Dialogue. Convenantal and Non-convenantal Cooperation between State and Religion in Europe |
DOE NORMAN, SANDBERG RUSSELL (edd) | Law and Religion. New Horizons |
DOOMEN JASPER, VAN SCHAIK MIRJAM (edd) | Religious Ideas in Liberal Democratic States |
DORIVAL GILLES, PRALON DIDIER (edd) | Nier les dieux nier dieu. Textes et documents de la méditerranée antique et mediévale |
DUX MONICA | Lapsed |
DWORKIN RONALD | Il dominio della vita. Aborto, eutanasia, e libertà individuale |
DYKEMA P.A., OBERMAN H.A. (edd) | Anticlericalism in Late Medieval and Early Modern Europe |
EL MABROUK NADIA | Notre laïcité |
ENDSTEDT DANIEL, LARSSON GORAN, MANTSINEN TEEMU T. (edd) | Handbook of Leaving Religion |
EVSTATIEV SIMEON, EICKELMAN DALE F. (edd) | Islam, Christianity, and Secularism in Bulgaria and Eastern Europe. The Last Half Century |
FILORAMO GIOVANNI | Religione e modernità. Il caso del fondamentalismo |
FINCK FRANCOIS | Les croisés de la contre-révolution |
FLAMIGNI CARLO | Il diritto di pensare. Storia della disputa sulle donne. Vol. 1. Le molte facce della violenza |
FLAMIGNI CARLO | Il diritto di pensare. Storia della disputa sulle donne. Vol. 2. I roghi |
FLAMIGNI CARLO | Il diritto di pensare. Storia della disputa sulle donne. Vol. 3. Il ruolo e il prestigio delle donne nelle diverse culture |
FLAMIGNI CARLO | Il diritto di pensare. Storia della disputa sulle donne. Vol. 4. La letteratura misogina e l’inizio della Querelle des femmes |
FLAMIGNI CARLO | Il diritto di pensare. Storia della disputa sulle donne. Vol. 5. L’esplosione della polemica |
FLAMIGNI CARLO | Il diritto di pensare. Storia della disputa sulle donne. Vol. 6. Sesso e prostituzione |
FLAMIGNI CARLO | Il diritto di pensare. Storia della disputa sulle donne. Vol. 7. La questione dell’alfabeto |
FLAMIGNI CARLO | Il diritto di pensare. Storia della disputa sulle donne. Vol. 8. Le capacità cognitive delle donne |
FLETCHER RONALD | Ten non commandments. A humanist’s decalogue |
FORBERG KARL FRIEDRICH | Entwickelung des Begriffs der Religion |
FORD JAMES C. | Atheism at the Agora. A History of Unbelief in Ancient Greek Polytheism |
FORNI LORENZA | La laicità nel pensiero dei giuristi italiani. Tra tradizione e innovazione |
FROLA PIER EUGENIO | Decime feudali ecclesiastiche nel canavese |
GEARY PATRICK J. | Furta sacra. La trafugazione delle reliquie nel Medioevo (secoli IX-XI) |
GILSON ETIENNE | L’ateismo difficile |
GLOHUVIC MILLJA, MENON JISHA (edd) | Performing the Secular. Religion, Representation, and Politics |
GOOREN HENRI | Religious Conversion and Disaffiliation. Tracing Patterns of Change in Faith Practices |
GORA | Positive Atheism |
GORDON DAVID J. | Literary Atheism |
GORDON-MCKEON SHAUNA | Super Princess Saves the Night |
GOUTEUX JEAN-PAUL | Apologie du blasphème. En danger de croire |
GUHIN JEFFREY | Agents of God. Boundaries and Authority in Muslim and Christian Schools |
HALLAQ WAEL B. | Shari’a. Theory, practice, transformations |
HALSEMA ANNEMIE, VAN HOUTEN DOUWE (edd) | Empowering Humanity. State of the Art in Humanistics |
HARRISON PETER (ed) | Narratives of Secularization |
HASHAMOVA YANA, DRAGOSTINOVA THEODORA (edd) | Beyond Mosque, Church, and State. Alternative Narratives of the Nation in the Balkans |
HATZIS NICHOLAS | Offensive Speech, Religion, and the Limits of the Law |
HIORTH FINNGEIR | Atheism in India |
HIORTH FINNGEIR | Atheism In The World |
HIORTH FINNGEIR | Ethics for Atheists |
HIORTH FINNGEIR | Secularism in Sweden |
HIORTH FINNGEIR | Studying Religion |
HOBSON SUZANNE | Unbelief in Interwar Literary Culture |
HUSKEN UTE (ed) | When Rituals Go Wrong. Mistakes, Failure, and the Dynamics of Ritual |
INVERNIZZI ACCETTI CARLO | What is Christian Democracy? Politics, Religion and Ideology |
IRICINSCHI EDUARD, ZELLENTIN HOLGER M. (edd) | Heresy and Identity in Late Antiquity |
JAYNE EDWARD | An Archaeology of Disbelief. The Origin of Secular Philosophy |
JOHNSON ANDY J. (ed) | Religion and Men’s Violence Against Women |
KAHLOS MAIJASTINA | Religious Dissent in Late Antiquity, 350-450 |
KAPPARIS KOSTANTINOS | Abortion in the Ancient World |
KELLY MOCHEL | One World, Many Beliefs. A Family Book for Nonbelievers & Their Children |
KLUG PETRA | Anti-Atheist Nation. Religion and Secularism in the United States |
KOSUCH CAROLIN (ed) | Freethinkers in Europe. National and Transnational Secularities 1789-1920s |
KRESSEL NEIL J. | Bad Faith. The Danger of Religious Extremism |
LANATA GIULIANA | Gli atti dei martiri come documento processuale |
LARA MARIA PIA | The Disclosure of Politics. Struggles Over the Semantics of Secularization |
LASKI MARGHANITA | The Secular Responsibility |
LAURENCE JONATHAN (ed) | Secularism in Comparative Perspective. Religions Across Political Contexts |
LAUWERS MICHEL, ZEMOUR AURELIE | Qu’est-ce qu’une sépulture? Humanités et systèmes funéraires de la préhistoire à nos jours |
LERNER NATAN (ed) | Religion, Secular Beliefs and Human Rights |
LIOR YAIR (ed) | The Routledge Handbook of Evolutionary Approaches to Religion |
LUSSU M. LUISA | Bayle, Holbach e il dibattito sull’ateo virtuoso |
MANCINI SUSANNA (ed) | Constitutions and Religion |
MANEA ELHAM | The Perils of Nonviolent Islamism |
MANEA ELHAM | Women and Shari’a Law. The Impact of Legal Pluralism in the UK |
MARTIN MICHAEL, AUGUSTINE KEITH | The Myth of an Afterlife. The Case against Life After Death |
MARTY MARTIN E., APPLEBY R. SCOTT (edd) | Accounting for Fundamentalisms. The Dynamic Character of Movements |
MATES LEWIS H., DAVIES DOUGLAS J. (edd) | Encyclopedia of Cremation |
MCCAFFREE KEVIN | The Secular Landscape. The Decline of Religion in America |
MEAGHER RICHARD J. | Atheists in American Politics. Social Movement Organizing from the Nineteenth to the Twenty-First Centuries |
MEDICUS FRITZ | Fichte und Forberg. Die philosophischen Scriften zum Atheismus-streit |
MENOZZI DANIELE | La Chiesa cattolica e la secolarizzazione |
MENUGE ANGUS J.L. | Religious Liberty and the Law. Theistic and Non-Theistic Perspectives |
MIRE SADA | Divine Fertility. The Continuity in Transformation of an Ideology of Sacred Kinship in Northeast Africa |
MOIZZI LETIZIA | Eutanasia: l’ultimo tabù. Libertà di scegliere |
NAGEL ERNEST | Logic Without Metaphysics and Other Studies in the Philosophy of Science |
ONYEMECHI PIUS ADIELE | The Popes, the Catholic Church and the Transatlantic Enslavement of Black Africans 1418-1839 |
OPPY GRAHAM (ed) | A Companion to Atheism and Philosophy |
OZZANO LUCA | The Masks of the Political God. Religion and Political Parties in Contemporary Democracies |
PETERSON ERIK | Il monoteismo come problema politico |
PILASTRO ANDREA | Sesso ed evoluzione. La straordinaria storia evolutiva della riproduzione sessuale |
PINN ANTHONY B. (ed) | Humanism and Technology. Opportunities and Challenges |
PINN ANTHONY B. (ed) | What is Humanism and Why Does it Matter? |
POLIAKOV LEON | Storia dell’antisemitismo. Vol. 4: L’Europa suicida (1870 - 1933) |
POUS JACQUES | La tentation totalitaire. Essai sur les totalitarismes de la transcendance |
PRODI PAOLO | Lo Sviluppo dell’assolutismo nello stato pontificio. (secoli XV-XVI). Dalle lezioni tenute nella Facoltà di Magistero dell’Università di Bologna, nell’anno accademico 1967-68. I, La Monarchia papale e gli organi centrali di governo |
QUACK JOHANNES, SCHUH CORA (edd) | Religious Indifference. New Perspectives from Studies on Secularization and Nonreligion |
RAHNER KARL (ed) | Pastoral Approach to Atheism |
RAMET SABRINA P. | Orthodox Churches and Politics in Southeastern Europe. Nationalism, Conservativism, and Intolerance |
REEVES JAMES BRYANT | Godless Fictions in the Eighteenth Century. A Literary History of Atheism |
ROZITCHNER ALEJANDRO, IANANTUONI XIMENA | Hijos sin dios. Cómo criar chicos ateos |
RUPKE JORG | Religion in Republican Rome. Rationalization and Ritual Change |
RUSE MICHAEL, BULLIVANT STEPHEN | The Cambridge History of Atheism |
SANDERS M. ELIZABETH | Genres of Doubt: Science Fiction, Fantasy and the Victorian Crisis of Faith |
SCALABRINO MICHELANGELA (ed) | International Code on Religious Freedom |
SCARPELLI UBERTO | L’etica senza verità |
SCHACHT JOSEPH | Introduzione al diritto musulmano |
SCHEIDT HANNAH K. | Practicing Atheism. Culture, Media, and Ritual in the Contemporary Atheist Network |
SCHRODER WINFRIED | Ursprünge des Atheismus. Untersuchungen zur Metaphysik- und Religionskritik des 17. und 18. Jahrhunderts |
SCIASCIA LEONARDO | Feste religiose in Sicilia. Fotografie di Fernando Scianna |
SCOLNICOV ANAT | The Right to Religious Freedom in International Law. Between Group Rights and Individual Rights |
SESTO EMPIRICO | Contro i matematici |
SETTIMELI LEONCARLO, FALAVOLTI LAURA (edd) | L’ammazzapreti. Canti satirici anticlericali (con lp) |
SHAJARIZADEH SHAPARAK | La liberté n’est pas un crime |
SHEPPARD KENNETH | Anti-Atheism in Early Modern England 1580-1720. The Atheist Answered and His Error Confuted |
SHERMER MICHAEL | Bugie. Indagine su pseudoscienze, superstizioni, notizie-spazzatura, falsi storici |
SIDKY HOMAYUN | Religion, Supernaturalism, the Paranormal and Pseudoscience. An Anthropological Critique |
SIMON ED | Pandemonium. A Visual History of Demonology |
SIMON HIPPOLYTE | Chiesa e politica |
SKONOVD NORMAN | Apostasy. The Process of Defection from Religious Totalism |
SOKAL ALAN, BRICMONT JEAN | Imposture intellettuali. Quale deve essere il rapporto tra filosofia e scienza? |
SOZZI MARINA (ed) | La scena degli addii. Morte e Riti funebri nella società occidentale contemporanea |
SPITZEL GOTTLIEB | Scrutinium atheismi historico-aetiologicum |
STAUSBERG MICHAEL (ed) | Contemporary Theories of Religion. A Critical Companion |
STREIB HEINZ, SILVER CHRISTOPHER F., CSOFF ROSINA-MARTHA, KELLER BARBARA, HOOD RAPLH W. (edd) | Deconversion. Qualitative and Quantitative Results from Cross-Cultural Research in Germany and the United States of America |
SUGIRTHARAJAH SHARADA | Religious and Non-Religious Perspectives on Happiness and Wellbeing |
SZOCIK KONRAD, VAN EYGHEN HANS | Revising Cognitive and Evolutionary Science of Religion. Religion As an Adaptation |
TEDESCHI MARIO (ed) | La libertà religiosa |
TEMPERMAN JEROEN | State–Religion Relationships and Human Rights Law. Towards a Right to Religiously Neutral Governance |
TEMPERMAN JEROEN, GUNN T. JEREMY, EVANS MALCOLM D. (edd) | The European Court of Human Rights and the Freedom of Religion or Belief. The 25 Years since Kokkinakis |
TESSMANN GÜNTER | Menschen ohne Gott. Ein Besuch bei den Indianern des Ucayali |
TESTA BAPPENHEIM STEFANO | I simboli religiosi nello spazio pubblico. Profili giuridici comparati |
THIESSEN JOEL, WILKINS-LAFLAMME SARAH | None of the Above. Nonreligious Identity in the US and Canada |
THOMAS RENNY | Science and Religion in India. Beyond Disenchantment |
TOMLINS STEVEN, BULLIVANT SPENCER (edd) | The Atheist Bus Campaign. Global Manifestations and Responses |
TUMMOLO GIOVANNI | In difesa del misticateismo |
TUMMOLO GIOVANNI | Misticateismo (religione realista dei tempi nuovi) |
VALLIER KEVIN, WEBER MICHAEL (edd) | Religious Exemptions |
VAN PRAAG JAAP | Grondslagen van humanisme |
VEUGELERS WIEL (ed) | Education and Humanism. Linking Autonomy and Humanity |
VINTALORO GIORDANO | Non sono il messia, lo giuro su Dio! Messianismo e modernità in Life of Brian dei Monty Python |
VORPAHL JENNY, SCHUSTER DIRK (edd) | Communicating Religion and Atheism in Central and Eastern Europe |
WANG YOU SAN BIAN | China Atheism History |
WANG YOU SAN BIAN | Selected Historical Materials of Chinese Atheism |
WEINSTEIN KENNETH R. | Atheism and Enlightenment in the Political Philosophy of Pierre Bayle |
WROBEL SZYMON, SKONIECZNY KRZYSZTOF (edd) | Atheism Revisited. Rethinking Modernity and Inventing New Modes of Life |
XU XIAOYUE | Storia dell’ateismo cinese (in cinese) |
ZUCKERMAN PHIL | Religion. Beyond Religion |